After Method

Hanna Reichel. After Method: Queer Grace, Conceptual Design, and the Possibility of Theology (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2023), 225 pp. $40.00 (paperback).  

Healing the Schism

Rosner, Jennifer M. Healing the Schism: Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig, and the New Jewish-Christian Encounter (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Academic, 2021), 288 pp. $ 34.99 (paperback).

Robert W. Jenson Papers

Robert W. Jenson has been called “the greatest American theologian since Jonathan Edwards.” The author of 25 books, hundreds of articles, co-founder of the journals Dialog and Pro Ecclesia, and co-founder of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, Jenson held positions at Luther College, the University of Oxford, Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, St. Olaf College, […]

2021 Books About Karl Barth

This list of new and forthcoming titles has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. We are striving to be exhaustive, so if there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to contact us. We will continue to update and search for new and upcoming titles about Karl Barth. Books Published in […]

Law and the Rule of God

Joshua Ralston. Law and the Rule of God: A Christian Engagement with Sharīʿa (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 351 pp. $99 (hardback).            

Glaube in Karl Barths Kirchlicher Dogmatik

Juliane Schüz. Glaube in Karl Barths Kirchlicher Dogmatik: Die anthropologische Gestalt des Glaubens zwischen Exzentrizität und Deutung (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018), xii + 396 pp. $114.99 (hardcover).

Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age

Kevin Hargaden, Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age: Confronting the Christian Problem with Wealth (Eugene: Cascade Books. 2018), ix+181 pp. $28.00 (paperback). Reviewed by Henry Walter Spaulding III (April 13, 2021)

Karl Barth and Comparative Theology

Martha L. Moore-Keish and Christian T. Collins Winn eds. Karl Barth and Comparative Theology (New York: Fordham University Press, 2019), 288 pp. $75.00 (hardback). Reviewed by John Sampson (April 1, 2021)

The Essential Karl Barth

Keith L. Johnson, The Essential Karl Barth: A Reader and a Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019), 384 pp. $40.00 (hardback). Reviewed by Christophe Chalamet (December 21, 2020).

Barth in Conversation

Karl Barth. Barth in Conversation: Volume 2: 1963, Eberhard Busch, ed. (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2018), xx + 250 pp. $40 (hardback).

Reviewed by Christophe Chalamet (December 15, 2020)

Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Wolf Krörke. Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologians for a Post-Christian World. Translated by John P. Burgess (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019), 272 pp. $48.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Kyle Trowbridge (September 09, 2020)

The Legacy of the Barmen Declaration

Fred Dallmayr, ed. The Legacy of the Barmen Declaration: Politics and the Kingdom (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019), 140 pp. $85.00 (hardback).

Reviewed by Myles Werntz (October 01, 2020)

Wrath Among the Perfections of God’s Life

Wynne, Jeremy J. Wrath Among the Perfections of God’s Life (New York: T & T Clark, 2010), 232 pp. $130.00 ($44.95, paperback).

Reviewed by Adam J. Johnson (April 04, 2013)

Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth

Burnett, Richard E. ed. The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2013), 272 pp. $40.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by J. Scott Jackson (March 26, 2019)

Trinity and Election in Contemporary Theology

Dempsey, Michael T., ed., Trinity and Election in Contemporary Theology, (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2011), x + 301pp. $38.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Mark R. Lindsay (January 31, 2014)

Trinitarian Theology After Barth

Myk Habets and Phillip Tolliday (eds.), Trinitarian Theology after Barth Princeton Theological Monograph Series 148 (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2011), xviii + 400pp. $46.00.

Reviewed by Aaron T. Smith (January 30, 2013)

Theology’s Epistemological Dilemma

Diller, Kevin. Theology’s Epistemological Dilemma: How Karl Barth and Alvin Plantinga Provide a Unified Response. (Downer’s Grove: IVP Academic, 2014), 352 pp. $34.00

Reviewed by Darren Kennedy (March 03, 2016)

Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany

Purvis, Zachary, Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany, Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), 336 pp. $100.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Calli Micale (June 15, 2017)

Theology Against Religion

Greggs, Tom. Theology Against Religion: Constructive Dialogues with Bonhoeffer and Barth (New York, T&T Clark, 2011), xiv+242. $39.95.

Reviewed by Brandy Daniels (September 30, 2015)

The Word of Christ and the World of Culture

Paul Louis Metzger, The Word of Christ and the World of Culture: Sacred and the Secular Through the Theology of Karl Barth (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003), xxiii + 252pp.

Reviewed by Clifford Blake Anderson (February 10, 2005)

The Sign of the Gospel

McMaken, W. Travis. The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2013), xi + 324 pp. $69.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by R. David Nelson (April 29, 2015)

The Resurrection in Karl Barth

R. Dale Dawson, The Resurrection in Karl Barth (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), ix + 246pp. $99.95

Reviewed by David W. Congdon (May 23, 2008)

The Barmen Theses Then and Now

Busch, Eberhard. The Barmen Theses Then and Now: The 2004 Warfield Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010), 101 pp. $16.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Ryan David Hawk (January 31, 2017)

The Analogy of Faith

Spencer, Archie J. The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God’s Speakability. Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2015), 441 pp. $40.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Kathryn Bradford Heidelberger (February 13, 2017)

Revelation and Theopolitics

Rashkover, Randi. Revelation and Theopolitics: Barth, Rosenzweig and the Politics of Praise (New York: T&T Clark, 2005), 215 pp. $80.95 (paperback).

Reviewed by Zacharie Klassen (February 21, 2017)

Reforming Rome: Karl Barth and Vatican II

Norwood, Donald W. Reforming Rome: Karl Barth and Vatican II (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015) xxi+263. $35.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Marjorie Corbman (February 02, 2016)

Reformed Virtue After Barth

Nolan, Kirk J. Reformed Virtue After Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2014), 208 pp. $30.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Michael J. Leyden (June 27, 2017)

Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics

Stephen J. Grabill, Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics (Emory University Studies in Law and Religion; Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006), x + 310. $38.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by W. Travis McMaken (August 01, 2007)

Reconciled Humanity

Hans Vium Mikkelsen, Reconciled Humanity: Karl Barth in Dialogue (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2010), xiv + 280. $30.00 / £19.99 (paperback)

Reviewed by Darren O. Sumner (January 30, 2012)

Reading the Gospels with Karl Barth

Migliore, Daniel L., ed. Reading the Gospels with Karl Barth (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2017), xxvii + 226 pp. $35.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Stephen J. Plant (March 23, 2018)

Reading the Decree

David Gibson, Reading the Decree: Exegesis, Election and Christology in Calvin and Barth, T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology (London: T&T Clark, 2009), xiii + 221. $130.00

Reviewed by Sung-Sup Kim (July 23, 2010)

Reading Auschwitz with Barth

​Lindsay, Mark R. Reading Auschwitz with Barth: The Holocaust as Problem and Promise for Barthian Theology (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2014), 204 pp. $24.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Amanda MacInnis-Hackney (July 11, 2016)

Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow

Stroud, Dean G. ed. Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2013), 215 pp. $20.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by David Stark (January 04, 2017)

Playful, Glad, and Free

DeCou, Jessica D. Playful, Glad, and Free: Karl Barth and a Theology of Popular Culture (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014), ix + 254pp. $39.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Paul L. Metzger (April 29, 2014)

Participation in Christ

Adam Neder, Participation in Christ: An Entry in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics, Columbia Series in Reformed Theology (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009), xv + 135. $24.95

Reviewed by Cambria Janae Kaltwasser (December 14, 2009)

Orthodox and Modern

Bruce L. McCormack, Orthodox and Modern: Studies in the Theology of Karl Barth (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008), 320. $35.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Matthias Gockel (October 23, 2009)

A Theology of the Third Article

Smith, Aaron T. A Theology of the Third Article: Karl Barth and the Spirit of the Word (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014), ix + 254pp. $39.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Jonathan D. DePue (December 05, 2014)

The Making of Stanley Hauerwas

David B. Hunsicker. The Making of Stanley Hauerwas: Bridging Barth and Postliberalism, New Explorations in Theology (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2019), xvi +234 pp. $40.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Luke Zerra (May 28, 2020)

The Only Sacrament Left to Us

Currie, Thomas. The Only Sacrament Left to Us: The Threefold Word of God in the Theology and Ecclesiology of Karl Barth (Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015), 196 pp. $23.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Catherine C. Tobey (February 15, 2016)

Offenbarung des Namens und versöhntes Leben

Petershans, Sören. Offenbarung des Namens und versöhntes Leben: Eine Untersuchung zur Gotteslehre bei Kornelis Heiko Miskotte. Arbeiten zur Systematischen Theologie 11 (Leipzig:
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt,2016), 320 pp. $85.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Collin Cornell (December 05, 2017)

Miskotte. Theoloog in de branding

de Liagre Böhl, Herman. Miskotte. Theoloog in de branding, 1894‐1976 (Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2016), 352 pp. €35,00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Eleonora Hof (November 13, 2018)

Meine Zeit mit Karl Barth

Busch, Eberhard. Meine Zeit mit Karl Barth: Tagebuch 1965–1968 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), 760 pp. $43.00 (hardback).

Reviewed by Matthias Grebe (June 13, 2015)

Letters of the Divine Word

Price, Robert B. Letters of the Divine Word: The Perfections of God in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013), ix + 210 pp. $39.96 (paperback)

Reviewed by Jeremy Wynne (September 28, 2017)

Die katholische Rezeption Karl Barths

Benjamin Dahlke, Die katholische Rezeption Karl Barths: Theologische Erneuerung im Vorfeld des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, Beiträge zur historischen Theologie 152 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010), 256 pages. € 79.00

Reviewed by Amy Marga (February 21, 2012)

Karl Barth: Theologian of Christian Witness

Joseph L. Mangina, Karl Barth: Theologian of Christian Witness(Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004), xiv + 208. $29.95

Reviewed by Jason T. Ingalls (June 19, 2009)

Karl Barth’s Infralapsarian Theology

Tseng, Shao Kai. Karl Barth’s Infralapsarian Theology: Origin and Development, 1920–1953 (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016), 319 pp. $39.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Chet Harvey (January 10, 2017)

Karl Barth’s Emergency Homiletic

Hancock, Angela Dienhart. Karl Barth’s Emergency Homilietic: 1932-1933 A Summons to Prophetic Witness (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012), xxvi + 336. $42.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by David B. Ward (April 29, 2015)

Karl Barth’s Doubts about John Calvin’s Assurance

Viazovski, ​Yaroslav. Karl Barth’s Doubts about John Calvin’s Assurance: A Study of Two Doctrines of Assurance (Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, Dr. Müller Aktiengesellchaft & Co. KG, 2009), 90 pp. $74.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Melanie Webb (December 08, 2010)

Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics

Allen, R. Michael. Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics: An Introduction and Reader (New York: T and T Clark, 2012), x + 241. $39.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Ben Rhodes (April 29, 2014)

Karl Barth’s Christological Ecclesiology

Bender, Kimlyn. Karl Barth’s Christological Ecclesiology, new ed. (Eugene, OR: Cascade Publishers, 2013), xx + 304. $36.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by W. Travis McMaken (February 08, 2015)

Karl Barth on Theology and Philosophy

Oakes, Kenneth. Karl Barth on Theology and Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 304 pp. $125.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Derek Alan Woodard-Lehman (July 01, 2016)

Karl Barth and the Filioque

David Guretzki, Karl Barth on the Filioque, Barth Studies (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009), xi + 224. $99.95 Reviewed by Sarah Stewart-Kroeker (February 16, 2011)

Karl Barth on Prayer

Cocksworth, Ashley. Karl Barth on Prayer (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015), viii + 202 pp. $114.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Blair D. Bertrand (December 05, 2017)

Karl Barth in North America

John P. Lewis, Karl Barth in North America: The Influence of Karl Barth in the Making of a New North American Evangelicalism (Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2009), xvii + pp. 226. $27.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Scott Rice (July 18, 2012)

Karl Barth im europäischen Zeitgeschehen

Beintker, Michael, Christian Link, and Michael Trowitzsch (eds.), Karl Barth im europäischen Zeitgeschehen (1935–1950), Widerstand – Bewährung – Orientierung. Beiträge zum Internationalen Symposion vom 1. bis 4. Mai 2008 in der Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden (Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2010), 528pp. €54,00

Reviewed by John G. Flett (July 12, 2012)

Karl Barth and the Strange New World within the Bible

Neil MacDonald, Karl Barth and the Strange New World within the Bible: Barth, Wittgenstein and the Metadilemmas of the Enlightenment (Revised Edition; Paternoster, 2002), xxiv + 403. $39.99 (paperback)

Reviewed by Shane Wilkins (February 27, 2008)

Karl Barth and the Resurrection of the Flesh

Hitchcock, Nathan. Karl Barth and the Resurrection of the Flesh: The Loss of the Body in Participatory Eschatology (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013), xviii + 209 pp. $20.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Sara A. Misgen (September 08, 2014)

Karl Barth and the Incarnation

Sumner, Darren O. Karl Barth and the Incarnation: Christology and the Humility of God (New York: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2014), 256 pp. $112.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Rafael Bello (September 09, 2016)

Karl Barth and the Future of Evangelical Theology

Collins Winn, Christian T. and John L. Drury eds. Karl Barth and the Future of Evangelical Theology (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2014), xxiv + 289 pp. $37.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Darren O. Sumner (July 06, 2016)

Karl Barth and the Fifth Gospel

Mark S. Gignilliat, Karl Barth and the Fifth Gospel: Barth’s Theological Exegesis of Isaiah (Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2009) xiv + 165. $79.95

Reviewed by Chad Marshall (November 28, 2011)

Karl Barth and the Analogia Entis

Johnson, Keith L., Karl Barth and the Analogia Entis (New York: T&T Clark, 2010), ix + 244pp. $120.00 (pbk. $44.95)

Reviewed by Han-luen Kantzer Komline (May 29, 2013)

Karl Barth and Post-Reformation Orthodoxy

Reeling Brouwer, Rinse H. Karl Barth and Post-Reformation Orthodoxy (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015), viii + 275 pp. $119.95 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Matthew A. Frost (August 08, 2016)

Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar

Wigley, Stephen D. Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar: A Critical Engagement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2007), xiv + 178 pp. $145.00 (hardback)

Reviewed by John L. Drury (September 02, 2008)

Karl Barth and Christian Ethics

Werpehowski, William. Karl Barth and Christian Ethics: Living in Truth (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2014), xv + 188. $104.95 (hardback)

Reviewed by Matthew Dowling (December 03, 2015)

Karl Barth and American Evangelicalism

McCormack, Bruce L. and Clifford B. Anderson, eds. Karl Barth and American Evangelicalism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011), 400 pp. $38.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by SueJeanne Koh (December 07, 2016)

Karl Barth als Theologe der Neuzeit

Stefan Holtmann, Karl Barth als Theologe der Neuzeit. Studien zur kritischen Deutung seiner Theologie, Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie, vol. 118 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007), 444 pages. € 79,90

Reviewed by Christophe Chalamet (December 10, 2008)

Jesus Is Victor!

Collins Winn, Christian T. “Jesus is Victor!”: The Significance of the Blumhardts for the Theology of Karl Barth. (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2009), 330 pp. $38.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Matthew J. Aragon Bruce (June 30, 2016)

Incarnational Realism

Ables, Travis E. Incarnational Realism: Trinity and the Spirit in Augustine and Barth (London: T & T Clark, 2013), 288 pp. $130.00 (hardback).

Reviewed by Luke Zerra (September 03, 2015)

Incarnation Anyway

Edwin Chr. van Driel, Incarnation Anyway: Arguments for Supralapsarian Christology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), xi + 194 pp. $74.00

Reviewed by David W. Congdon (October 06, 2010)

Image and Hope

Viazovski, Yaroslav. Image and Hope: John Calvin and Karl Barth on Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting. Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2015), 286 pp. $34.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Daniel Rempel (June 22, 2017)

The Humanity of Christ

Paul Dafydd Jones, The Humanity of Christ: Christology in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics (London: T&T Clark, 2008), xiii + 290. $130.00 / £65.00

Reviewed by Darren O. Sumner (April 20, 2010)

Healing the Schism

Rosner, Jennifer M. Healing the Schism: Healing the Schism: Barth, Rosenzweig, and the New Jewish-Christian Encounter. Emerging Scholars. (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2016), 352 pp. $79.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Zacharie Klassen (February 19, 2019)

The Gravity of Sin

Matt Jenson, The Gravity of Sin: Augustine, Luther, and Barth on Homo Incurvatus in Se (London: T & T Clark, 2006), xii + 202. $39.95

Reviewed by Jason T. Ingalls (July 23, 2008)

Gott und das Nichtige (Deutsch)

Wüthrich, Matthias D. God and Nothingness: The Speech of Nothingness from Karl Barth KD § 50 (Zurich: Theological Verlag Zurich, 2006), 400 pp., € 38.00.

Reviewed by Alexander Massmann (June 27, 2008)

Gott und das Nichtige (English)

Wüthrich, Matthias D. Gott und das Nichtige: Zur Rede vom Nichtigen ausgehend von Karl Barths KD § 50 (Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2006), 400 pp., € 38.00.

Reviewed by Alexander Massmann (June 27, 2008)

God’s Command

Hare, John E. God’s Command. Oxford Studies in Theological Ethics (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), 368 pp. $110.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Joseph Lim (October 30, 2018)

God’s Being in Reconciliation

Johnson, Adam J., God’s Being in Reconciliation: The Theological Basis of the Unity and Diversity of the Atonement in the Theology of Karl Barth, (London: T & T Clark, 2012), x + 220pp. $120.00 ($34.95, paperback)

Reviewed by Scott Rice (January 02, 2014)

Fully Alive

Fout, Jason. Fully Alive: The Glory of God and the Human Creature in Karl Barth, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Theological Exegesis of Scripture (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015), 224 pp. $122.00 (hardcover).

Reviewed by Ashleigh Elser (September 21, 2017)

Ethics in Crisis

David Clough, Ethics in Crisis: Interpreting Barth’s Ethics (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005), xix + 143. $84.95

Reviewed by Matthew J. Aragon Bruce ()

Engaging With Barth

David Gibson and Daniel Strange, (eds.). Engaging with Barth: Contemporary Evangelical Critiques, (Nottingham: Apollos, 2008), 403 pages. $39.95 (paperback)*

Reviewed by Melanie Webb (February 08, 2012)

Election, Atonement and the Holy Spirit

Grebe, Matthias. Election, Atonement and the Holy Spirit: Through and Beyond Barth’s Theological Interpretation of Scripture (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2014), xxii + 289 pp. $36.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Adam J. Johnson (July 05, 2016)

The Election of Grace

Williams, Stephen N. The Election of Grace: A Riddle without a Resolution? (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015) viii + 221 pp. $26.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Jordan Bradford (September 08, 2016)

Ecclesial Mediation in Karl Barth

Yocum, John. Ecclesial Mediation in Karl Barth (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), xxiii + 200 pp. $135.00 (hardback).

Reviewed by W. Travis McMaken (February 01, 2007)

The Early Preaching of Karl Barth

Karl Barth and William H. Willimon, The Early Preaching of Karl Barth: Fourteen Sermons with Commentary by William H. Willimon. Translations by John E. Wilson. (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009), xvii + 171. $24.95

Reviewed by David B. Ward (October 06, 2010)

Dogmatics after Barth

Thomas, Günter, Rinse Reeling Brouwer and Bruce McCormack eds., Dogmatics After Barth: Facing Challenges in Church, Society and the Academy (Leipzig: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012), xvi + 203 pp. $18.20 (paperback).

Reviewed by Mark Lindsay (April 11, 2017)

Dignity and Destiny

Kilner, John F. Dignity and Destiny: Humanity in the Image of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015), 414 pp. $35.00.

Reviewed by Max Heidelberger (September 21, 2017)

Dialectical Theologians

Christophe Chalamet, Dialectical Theologians: Wilhelm Herrmann, Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann (Zürich: TVZ, 2005), 327. EUR 37,00

Reviewed by Benjamin Myers (February 16, 2007)

Cross Theology

Rosalene Bradbury, Cross Theology: The Classical Theologia Crucis and Karl Barth’s Modern Theology of the Cross (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011), xiv + 324. $37.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Andrew Root (June 26, 2012)

Conversations with Barth on Preaching

William H. Willimon, Conversations with Barth on Preaching (Nashville: Abingdon, 2006), 346. $22.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Jason T. Ingalls (February 01, 2007)

Commanding Grace

Daniel L. Migliore, ed. Commanding Grace: Studies in Karl Barth’s Ethics(Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2010), x + 255pp. $30.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Matthew Puffer (November 06, 2012)

Christological Anthropology in Historical Perspective

Cortez, Marc, Christological Anthropology in Historical Perspective: Ancient and Contemporary Approaches to Theological Anthropology (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2016), 233 pp. $27.99 (paperback).

Reviewed by Timothy McGee (April 25, 2017)

Christian Ethics as Witness

David Haddorff, Christian Ethics as Witness: Barth’s Ethics for a World at Risk (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2010), xii + 482. $54.00

Reviewed by J. Scott Jackson (April 18, 2011)

Christ Crucified in a Suffering World

Hieb, Nathan D. Christ Crucified in a Suffering World: The Unity of Atonement and Liberation (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013), ix + 257 pp. $59.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by J. Scott Jackson (September 11, 2015)

Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth

uzanne Selinger, Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth: A Study in Biography and the History of Theology (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998), viii + 206pp. $29.00

Reviewed by George Hunsinger ()

The Cambridge Companion to Reformed Theology

Nimmo, Paul T., and David A. S. Fergusson, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Reformed Theology. Cambridge Companions to Religion (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 360 pp. $34.99 (paperback).

Reviewed by See Yin C. Yeung (June 01, 2017)

Calvin, Barth, and Reformed Theology

Neil B. MacDonald and Carl Trueman (eds.), Calvin, Barth, and Reformed Theology (Colorado Springs, CO: Paternoster Theological Monographs, 2008), xiii and 181. £19.99 (paperback)

Reviewed by Jesse Couenhoven (November 13, 2009)

Bonhoeffer’s Theological Formation

DeJonge, Michael. Bonhoeffer’s Theological Formation. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), xiv + 158pp. $95.00 (hardback)

Reviewed by Jeffrey Skaff (April 26, 2016)

Being in Action

Paul T. Nimmo, Being in Action: The Theological Shape of Barth’s Ethical Vision (London: T & T Clark, 2007), ix + 202. $130.00

Reviewed by W. Travis McMaken (March 26, 2008)

The Barthian Revolt in Modern Theology

Dorrien, Gary. The Barthian Revolt in Modern Theology: Theology without Weapons (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2000), x + 239 pp. $27.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by J. Scott Jackson (May 20, 2014)

Barth’s Theology of Interpretation

Wood, Donald. Barth’s Theology of Interpretation (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), xiv +189 pp., $99.95.

Reviewed by Shannon Nicole Smythe (March 12, 2008)

Barth’s Moral Theology

Webster, John. Barth’s Moral Theology: Human Action in Barth’s Thought (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1998), ix + 223 pp. $55.00 (hardback).

Reviewed by George Hunsinger ()

Barth’s Interpretation of the Virgin Birth

Resch, Dustin. Barth’s Interpretation of the Virgin Birth: A Sign of Mystery (Surry, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2012), 218 pp. $109.95 (hardback)

Reviewed by Jim West (October 24, 2014)

Barth’s Doctrine of Creation

Gabriel, Andrew K. Barth’s Doctrine of Creation: Creation, Nature, Jesus, and the Trinity (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014), x + 118 pp. $18.00 (Paperback)

Reviewed by Ximian Xu (November 27, 2018)

Barth Reception in Britain

D. Densil Morgan, Barth Reception in Britain (London: T&T Clark, 2010), viii + 312 pages. $120.00 / £64.00

Reviewed by Donald W. Norwood (June 08, 2011)

The Barth Lectures

Colin E. Gunton, The Barth Lectures, edited by P. H. Brazier (London: T&T Clark, 2007), xxiv + 285. $150.00

Reviewed by Kimlyn J. Bender (August 05, 2010)

Barth and Schleiermacher on the Doctrine of Election

Matthias Gockel, Barth and Schleiermacher on the Doctrine of Election: A Systematic-Theological Comparison (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), viii + 229. $99.00 / £51.00

Reviewed by Matthew J. Aragon Bruce (August 25, 2010)

Barth and God’s Story

Ford, David F., Barth and God’s Story: Biblical Narrative and the Theological Method of Karl Barth in theChurch Dogmatics (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2008 [reprint]), i+ 194pp. $23.00 (paperback)

Reviewed by Collin R. Cornell (April 29, 2014)

Barth and Dostoevsky

P. H. Brazier, Barth and Dostoevsky: A Study of the Influence of the Russian Writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky on the Development of the Swiss Theologian Karl Barth, 1915-1922 (Colorado Springs, CO: Paternoster, 2007), xix + 245 pp. $39.99 (paperback)

Reviewed by David W. Congdon (October 21, 2008)


Eberhard Busch, Barth, Abingdon Pillars of Theology, trans. Richard and Martha Burnett (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2008), viii + 95 pp. $9.95 (paperback)

Reviewed by William Barnett (November 04, 2008)

Theologie und Theologen

Erik Peterson, Ausgewählte Schriften, vol. 9 – Theologie und Theologen: Texte (9/1), Theologie und Theologen: Briefwechsel mit Karl Barth u.a., Reflexionen und Erinnerungen (9/2), edited by Barbara Nichtweiß (Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2009), lxxii + 695pp. and lxxviii + 584pp. €78.00 and €68.00 (hardcover)

Reviewed by Matthias Gockel (September 17, 2013)

The Ascension in Karl Barth

Andrew Burgess, The Ascension in Karl Barth (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), 209. $99.95
Reviewed by Benjamin Myers (February 16, 2007)

The Analogy of Grace

Gerald McKenny, The Analogy of Grace: Karl Barth’s Moral Theology(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) x + 320. $120.00 / £68.00

Reviewed by Derek Alan Woodard-Lehman (July 20, 2011)

The Analogy of Being

White, Thomas Joseph, O.P., ed., The Analogy of Being: Invention of Antichrist or the Wisdom of God?, (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2011), xiv + 440 pp. $48.00 (paperback).

Reviewed by Jeffrey Skaff (October 21, 2013)

A Unique Time of God: Karl Barth’s WWI Sermons

Barth, Karl. A Unique Time of God: Karl Barth’s WWI Sermons. Trans. William Klempa (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2016) 240 pp. $35.00 (paperback).
Reviewed by Andrew Scales (November 28, 2017)

A Shorter Commentary on Romans

Maico M. Michielin, ed. A Shorter Commentary on Romans by Karl Barth, trans., D.H. van Daalen, with an introductory essay by Maico Michielin (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), xxvi + 119. $89.95

Reviewed by Shannon Nicole Smythe (August 06, 2008)

Karl Barth Engaging Culture

The Center for Barth Studies asked Dr. Darren Sumner to share his syllabus from the course he has taught on Barth at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. He offered his brief remarks on the context of his course. Dr. Sumner is the author of Karl Barth and the Incarnation: Christology and the Humility of […]

Syllabi Repository

The Karl Barth Syllabus Project aims to collect a syllabi from a variety of courses, institutions, and instruction levels as a resource for those planning and teaching courses using Barth’s theology. It is our hope that the courses represented here illustrate diverse ways that Barth can be taught to students and prompt creative thinking from […]

Bibliographies and Collections

Located in the North Wing of the Theodore Sedgwick Wright Library at Princeton Theological Seminary, the Center for Barth Studies (CBS) is home to the Karl Barth Research Collection, the world’s largest single collection of works by and about Karl Barth. The Karl Barth Research Collection holds over 12,000 items from books, articles, essays, books […]

Karl Barth Society of Germany

The Karl Barth-Gesellschaft (Karl Barth Society) founded in April 1997 in Bünde, Germany, is serving the promotion of theological research and education in the spirit of Karl Barth’s thinking. It does so through regular events and activities such as annual Karl Barth conferences in Leuenberg, Switzerland and Driebergen, Netherlands . The society aims to contribute to the […]

Korean Society of Karl Barth

The Korean Society of Karl Barth was founded on August 10, 1991. Its first conference was held on October 27, 1991, at Yeon Dong Presbyterian Church in Seoul. Most of the society’s members are theologians who wrote a doctoral thesis about Karl Barth or who have strong interest in his theology. The society supports the […]

Karl Barth Society of Japan

The Karl Barth Society of Japan was founded in 1986 by the late Dr. Keiji Ogawa, following a celebration of Karl Barth’s 100th birthday. It is currently chaired by Professor Yoshiki Terazono of Seinan Gakuin University. The society is at the center of Karl Barth study in Japan and has a membership of more than 100 […]

Karl Barth Society of North America

The Karl Barth Society of North America (KBSNA) was founded in October 1972 in Toronto by a group of Canadian and American scholars of Karl Barth, inspired by his son Markus Barth. Its purpose is to encourage a critical and constructive theology in continuity with the work of Karl Barth, which it aims to achieve through […]

Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe

Karl Barth was an incredibly productive writer for more than 50 years. During his lifetime he published more than 600 writings, including a 13-volume, 9,300-pages, yet unfinished work on Christian doctrine entitled the Church Dogmatics. Additionally, he wrote numerous unpublished papers such as sermons, lectures, manuscripts, letters, and other items. After Barth’s death in 1968, it […]

KB Gesamtausgabe

Karl Barth was an incredibly productive writer for more than 50 years. During his lifetime he published more than 600 writings, including a 13-volume, 9,300-pages, yet unfinished work on Christian doctrine entitled the Church Dogmatics. Additionally, he wrote numerous unpublished papers such as sermons, lectures, manuscripts, letters, and other items. After Barth’s death in 1968, it […]

2020 Books About Karl Barth

This list of new and forthcoming titles has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. We are striving to be exhaustive, so if there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to contact us. We will continue to update and search for new and upcoming titles about Karl Barth. Books Published in […]

2019 Books About Karl Barth

This list of new and forthcoming titles has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. We are striving to be exhaustive, so if there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to contact us. We will continue to update and search for new and upcoming titles about Karl Barth. Books Published in […]

2018 Books About Karl Barth

This list of new and forthcoming titles has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. We are striving to be exhaustive, so if there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to contact us. We will continue to update and search for new and upcoming titles about Karl Barth. Books Published in […]

2017 Books About Karl Barth

This list of new and forthcoming titles has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. We are striving to be exhaustive, so if there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to contact us. We will continue to update and search for new and upcoming titles about Karl Barth. Books Published in […]

2016 Books About Karl Barth

This list of 2016 titles related to the life and theology of Karl Barth that has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. If there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to email us: Asbill, Brian D. The Freedom of God for Us: Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Divine Aseity. New York: Bloomsbury […]

2015 Books About Karl Barth

This list of 2015 titles related to the life and theology of Karl Barth that has been complied by the Center for Barth Studies. If there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to email us: Altmann, Konrad. Gebot, Gesetz und Evangelium. Paul Althaus’ Kritik an Karl Barths Verständnis von Evangelium und Gesetz. Norderstedt: GRIN […]

2014 Books About Karl Barth

This list of 2014 titles related to the life and theology of Karl Barth that has been complied by the Center for Barth Studies. If there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to email us: Anderson, Raymond. Karl Barth’s Table Talk: Transcripts of His Students at the Bruderholz Restaurant in Basel During the […]

2013 Books About Karl Barth

This list of 2013 titles related to the life and theology of Karl Barth that has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. If there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to email us: Ables, Travis E. Incarnational Realism: Trinity and the Spirit in Augustine and Barth. New York: Bloomsbury T&T […]

2000-2012 Books About Karl Barth

This list of 2012 titles related to the life and theology of Karl Barth that has been compiled by the Center for Barth Studies. If there is a title missing from this list, please feel free to email us: 2012 Allen, Michael. Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics: An Introduction and Reader. London: T&T Clark, 2012. Dahlke, Benjamin. Karl […]

Book Reviews

  The Center for Barth Studies is proud to provide high-quality reviews of monographs using Karl Barth’s theology for free to scholars and the interested public. If you are interested in writing a review for the Center for Barth Studies, or would like to submit a volume for review, please e-mail the reviews editor at […]

Reading Karl Barth for the Church

Kimlyn Bender. Reading Karl Barth for the Church (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019), 321 pp. $26.99 (paperback).

Reviewed by Blair Bertrand (April 30, 2020)